The scope of the literature review chapter can vary, depending upon the nature of references you have found. The less you have found about the area of study, the more likely it is that this section will be dedicated to questions or descriptions of where to look. The chapter will also include your hypothesis; this is basically a hunch that you have to test certain aspects, expecting them to be true. With a fair idea, you may be able to construct a model of how variables are related to each other.
Since students often misjudge the scope of literature review chapter, it is essential that they revise the chapter and ensure that it follows logically from the previously stated problem statement and is connected with the next chapter on procedures. The most common error that students commit while framing this chapter is that it becomes a set of vague generalities rather than a clear-cut criteria against which the rest of the project can be judged. Accomplished Dissertation Tutors can help students avoid such mistakes and form the literature review chapter in a focused and seamless manner.
Another mistake you must be wary of is that instead of setting forth specific research objectives, they are embedded, usually by implication rather than explicit statement, in a running description of your project. Your readers are left in a lurch, trying to infer what you are implying. Rather than running the risk of misinterpretation, you will act wisely by opting for Dissertation Writing Service by experienced academic writers, who will make your objectives clear and explicit.