The purpose of conducting interviews is not only to get answers to questions, or to test hypotheses or to “evaluate”, but it is basically an interest in understanding the lived experience of other people and the meaning they make of that experience. Being interested is the key to some of the basic assumptions underlying interviewing technique. While conducting interviews regarding their research paper, the interviewers need to keep their ego in check. They need to realize that they are not the center of the world, but their actions indicate that others’ stories are important.
Recognizing the limits on our understanding of others, we can still strive to comprehend them by understanding their actions. Once you have chosen your research topic, you can always start off by conducting various interview sessions, as per which you can gather a brilliant amount of information about what different people think regarding the respective research topic. Interviewing is a process which provides access to the context of people’s behaviour and thereby provides a way for researchers to understand the meaning of that behaviour. A basic assumption in in-depth interviewing research is that the meaning people make of their experience affects the way they carry out that experience. By collecting facts and figures related to your research topic, it would become quite easy for you to come up with a brilliant research document that will earn you great amount of appreciation from renowned researchers across the globe. I hope all the information provided by me in this blog would surely assist you in understanding the importance of interviews while conducting research work.